Mentor Coaching
with Marion Franklin, MCC & Nina East, IACF–CC.
Plugging the holes in coach training
The Real Secret To Masterful Coaching…
One of the most talked–about coaching supervision programs ever…
now available in audio format (7 1/2 hours)
plus, your bonus Laser Coaching Field Guide.
Most coach training programs do a fairly good job of teaching you information about coaching.
What they don't do a good job with is actually helping you master the art of coaching – in other words, they don't help you become a masterful coach.
What's missing?
Most coach training programs leave out one of the most essential pieces of coach training –
concentrated, purposeful, and effective mentoring and supervision
That's where Coach Camps comes in…
…plugging the holes in your coach training!
Imagine…you are sitting with 2 powerful mentor coaches, listening to and absorbing everything they share…
Hover and listen, learning vicariously, via on–the–spot feedback for 5 days of real–time coaching.
Observe 5 powerful supervision sessions…learning all the secrets and insights to revolutionize your coaching.
Experience Coach Camps by absorbing the 5 critical training classes and observing the masterful demonstration of each coaching principle following the lesson.
Do you find it challenging to:
- attract clients?
- retain clients?
- ask for more money?
- handle new, unanticipated client situations?
- stay within the assigned coaching time?
- reach the client at a core level?
- zero in on what's really most important?
- feel completely confident about your coaching ability?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's probably because your coach training program did not adequately prepare you for real–time coaching.
They should have, but we know most of them don't.
They teach you about coaching, not HOW TO coach in the real world.
Rarely do you get to hear a masterful coach demonstrating masterful coaching…so you just have to imagine what coaching should really sound like.
Plus, most coach training programs don't have much structure when it comes to the actual coaching.
They tell you to "just go out there and start coaching" before you really know what coaching feels like, looks like, or sounds like.
Coach Camps plugs this hole by providing examples of real–time coaching experience with hands–on guidance – feedback in–the–moment – from two of the most respected mentor coaches in the coaching industry.
Not only will you increase your ability to model excellence, giving you an edge up…
You will also learn how to form deeper, longer term relationships with your clients, so you can spend more of your time coaching, and less of your time marketing and selling!
As a Coach Camper, you learn:
how to help your clients achieve the results they want more quickly – for real. We're not just spouting lingo.
how to eliminate uncertainty – yours AND the client's – so you can get on with powerful coaching.
how to eliminate the fraud factor so that it is easy and natural for you to coach – as well as attract new clients easily.
how to conduct high–speed coaching sessions, with grace and gentleness, so your clients get results faster and become your raving fans!
How to reach the client at a core level, so you are helping them with what their REAL goals are.
how to help your clients feel more confidence in you – so they are willing to stretch themselves more, they stay with you longer, and they refer friends and colleagues.
how to develop longer term relationships naturally, plus know when to let them go.
how to model excellence, so that your client feels coached between sessions, and you feel great!
"I landed corporate client and was feeling rusty so I was looking for refresher.
It was totally more than I ever expected – not exaggerating – it was the best investment in terms of money and time that I ever spent on coach training. It was intensive but not overwhelming – they encapsulated all of the key components of the coaching process.
Now I’m going to the corporate client with a lot more confidence."
Jennifer Quade, Coach Camps participant
"Marion and Nina – thank you so much for a very powerful class!
I certainly have a lot to take away from this session!
First, as I said on the call, the practice of using reflective listening every day is such a shift for me, because rather than using it to "practice coaching" on people around me, I see it more as a "safe" way of practicing just that simple skill without feeling a need to perform as a coach. And if it helps people to feel more deeply heard, then that is truly a valuable skill for life.
Secondly, that "most important question" you gave us – I love this one because there are 2 levels to it. One on the level that the person is (maybe) unconsciously needing to reveal something deeper but also there's another level of why I may be needing to hear it. As you said, it's likely to be bringing up something we need to deal with ourselves.
Such a great start to the week! Can't wait for tomorrow!"
Chris Macklen, Coach Camps participant
How does it work?
Your virtual Summer Camp for Coaches consists of your Coach Camps Field Guide and 5 digital audio recordings to download and listen to at your own pace (7 and a half hours of powerful training).
In each 90–minute session, you will hear Marion Franklin, MCC and Nina East, IAC–CC demonstrate exactly how to handle real–time, real–live coaching situations.
You will be learning what great coaching is by hearing it – and by hearing it be dissected!
Each camp session consists of approximately 1/3 concrete solutions and case studies, 1/3 accelerated learning, and 1/3 real–time coaching with Marion and Nina supervising and mentoring the whole way.
What will you hear at camp each day?
Each morning you'll get up at dawn for calisthenics.

Oh, wait….that would be bootcamp, not COACH CAMP!
A lot of people are offering "bootcamps" these days, but we realized we didn't like the metaphor.
Bootcamp, of course, is designed to tear you down before building you back up.
And that's not what coach training should ever be about!
COACH CAMP is nothing like that!
Coach Camp is much more fun and more powerful!
At Coach Camp we build you up from the beginning, with the right building blocks and the right mentoring. Instead of feeling less secure, you will be significantly more confident and aware!
You will do some things that will stretch you, though… 
"WOW, what a powerful fun afternoon that was. Going to camp as an adult is such a novel refreshing idea…thanks for putting this together.
The "most important question" you taught us is profound and so awakening for me. I tend to go ahead and want to give advice, even though in my mind I know that's not what I should be doing. This week is a 'shift' for myself so that I can remember to address the emotion and not just come up with solutions.
Thanks again for providing this wonderful week!"
Lois Galloway, Professional Coach, Coach Camps participant
"As the week has gone on and after I’m done, I re–listen and hear it a little differently the 2nd time. And I have seen in each client call I’ve had how I’m shifting with each client shift. It’s interesting; it’s been really easy to see. I felt it because now I’m aware of it, and I wasn’t before camp started.
It has given me a whole new set of tools, and it has given me a whole new way of looking at it, and a whole bunch of things to allow myself to tune into that I hadn’t before.
Many of the tools are the same, the focus is different, and the feeling is different. Does that make sense?
Patti Woodson, Coach Camps participant
"Hi Nina. I listened to the call you made with Marion to allow people to experience masterful mentor coaching. Very nicely done! My epiphany was that I frequently end up working on surface issues and don't dig below the surface.
Now I now I'll do it more often by listening to my curious side and "wonder what's going on for you about that" with the person. Pretty impressive that you all could coach me without me even being physically present! The recording was great! – a great example of "passive" coaching!"
Chris Trebuchet, CEO, Trebuchet Group International
"I purchased and have listened to all seven hours of the coach camp audio and it was more helpful than my semester of classes put together--I'm not kidding!
Elizabeth Patterson Coons, Life Coach
Here's what to expect each day in your self–guided camp.
Day 1: The HeART of Listening: building deeper, more trusting relationships
The key to great coaching lies in great listening, building trust, and developing exceptional rapport. There is an art to inquiry using building blocks within the listening stages. In this session, you begin to become proficient in interpreting and connecting with clients even when they are not articulate. Coaches become confident and secure by developing astute, open, genuine, and non–judgmental listening skills.
Day 2: Intuition – Using your intuition: choosing wisely
Masterful coaches use their gut to their best advantage. Not only do they recognize and pay attention to their intuition, they act on it appropriately. But how do they tell the difference between intuition and just a lot of hot air? If you don't come by it naturally, you have to develop and practice your intuition. In this day's activities, you learn how to recognize the internal and external clues of intuition, how to separate your own issues from intuition about the client, and how to develop client–focused intuition.
Day 3: Laser Coaching – target practice 
Masterful coaches have to zero in on what's most important without wasting any time, but also without overpowering the client.
In Day 3, you learn:
- Helicopter Coaching Approach™
- how to target what's most important, plus determine the next, most effective step
- how to listen to the story and identify what's really going on
- the #1 most important question a coach needs to ask themselves.
Day 4: Shift happens…or does it? How to create shifts that work.
Day 4 will focus on how to create an environment for shift. We address the 3 key steps in facilitating shift, and how being able to do this will completely transform your coaching.
Day 5: The real deal – being a coach. 
In your last day of camp, we focus on You as a coach.
Knowing the skills of coaching – and even being able to use them at the right time – isn't enough. To graduate to masterful coaching status, there are a series of "being" skills that must be lived. This is the essence of being a coach. Living as a coach. It’s a coach’s life.
If you're up for significantly transforming your coaching in just 7 1/2 hours of listening and learning, you can access your self–guided Coach Camps now for just $197.
(hint: that's about $25 per hour of coach training with 2 of the industry's top rated mentor coaches.)
Audio Camp plus bonus Laser Coaching Field Guide (no individual ½ hour session)
if you want the audio program, the field guide AND you would like to make your experience even more powerful by working one–on–one with a master mentor coach, choose the option below. This is LIVE one–on–one mentoring at a 70% discount! Just $227 for the whole kit–and–kaboodle.
Audio Camp, bonus laser Coaching Field Guide, PLUS private 1/2 hour coaching session
Please note, this 70% discount for your personal, individual session with a mentor coach will not be available later at this low rate, so be sure to make the best decision now.
Meet your Camp Mentors!
Marion Franklin
Life Coach, Facilitator, Speaker, Consultant, Author
Marion Franklin, M.S., MCC (Master Certified Coach) coaches individuals and groups regarding
personal and professional change, focus, human relations, and conflict management. Marion is a former faculty member of an internationally known coaching school who created and taught the “Getting Started” series. Marion has coached managers at major corporations including PepsiCo, Toys’R’Us, and Reader’s Digest. Marion, a former high school teacher, created and teaches a unique 60–hour Laser Coach training program as well as Mentor Practicum coaching groups, both offering ICF CEU's towards certification or renewal.
Marion conducts and helps clients design workshops and presentations and is the co–author of '7 Simple Secrets to Successful Workshops.' She has been a featured presenter at meetings, retreats, and an ongoing Women’s Workshop Series, has been cited in The Wall Street Journal, and has appeared on Cable Television.
Nina East
Master Mentor Coach, Business & Life Certified Coach
Nina East, MA, IAC–CC, served as the Lead Certifier for the International Association of Coaching for 3 years, has been a Certifier since 2003, and has mentored over 750 coaches and taught, literally, thousands of hours of coach training and supervision in the past 8 years. Nina was a senior faculty member at one of the world's largest coaching schools, and has created over 150 coach training programs and modules which are used by a number of coach training schools.
In addition to helping coaches master the art and science of coaching, Nina also, a website featuring summaries of self–help books for women. Her own life as a personal growth enthusiast, and her background as a senior university administrator and faculty member, provide a solid foundation for her far–reaching work.
Nina is the author of Rapid Relationship Recovery (2002); 99 Tips for Managing Diversity to Drive Business Success (2001); and the co–author of Achieving Extraordinary Success As A Coach: Nine Leading Coaches Share Their Best Practice Building Strategies (2002), as well as booklets on follow–through and diversity training.
If you are up for 7 and a half hours of concentrated, purposeful, effective coaching supervision, Coach Camps and your bonus Laser Coaching Field Guide are just what you're looking for.
Coach Camps Audio Program, plus Laser Coaching Field Guide
if you want the audio program, the field guide AND you would like to make your experience even more powerful by working one–on–one with a master mentor coach, choose the option below. This is LIVE one–on–one mentoring at a 70% discount! Just $227 for the whole kit–and–kaboodle.
Audio Camp, bonus laser Coaching Field Guide, PLUS private 1/2 hour coaching session
Remember, you'll attend your virtual camp wherever you want, and at your own pace, so you don't actually have to travel to camp.
It's all the learning, without the mosquitoes!
Your ticket to Coach Camps is just $197…(or $227 if you choose the deluxe option which includes your private coaching session!)
We decided that instead of our usual coaching fees, which, if you were doing doubles-coaching with us, would be out of reach for many coaches, we decided to collaborate and make this 5–day experience as affordable as possible for everyone.
If you do the math, you're coming to camp for around $25 an hour.
Can't beat that!
See you at the "lake"!
My virtual bags are packed, I'm ready for camp!
Audio Camp plus bonus Laser Coaching Field Guide (no individual ½ hour session)
Audio Camp, bonus laser Coaching Field Guide, PLUS private 1/2 hour coaching session
Questions, contact Marion at marion [at]
Marion Franklin
Life Coaching Group
265D South Broadway
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Tel: 914–333–0443;
Nina East, Inc.
510 Meadowmont Village Circle, #292, Chapel Hill, NC 27517