Mentor Coaching Practice
*For more MENTOR/SUPERVISION options (group, individual, or certification preparation) -- Master Mentor Coach.
"...really appreciate your insight and dedication. You're inspiring and motivating
Life Coaching Group's Coach with Confidence Mentor Practicum has met stringent criteria and is accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). The CCE Units may be used towards ICF certification (ACC, PCC, or MCC) OR towards renewal of any current certification, as well as for supervision requirements. (6 Core Competency credits per 4 sessions) For additional information regarding coaching certification requirements
The Practicum meets for 90 mins. Wednesdays at 1PM (ET) OR 8PM (ET) as a weekly mentor coaching group.
Reserve NOW for a spot!
Join for one month at a time (6 ICF CCEU's for every 4 sessions).
Work towards or renew: ACC, PCC, MCC*
Coaches must have at least 2 clients (paying or pro bono) – Up to 10 participants per group.
David Franklin, MCC - Mentor Coach:
David Franklin, MA, MCC, has been coaching privately and in organizations for over 25 years. He has coached individuals, groups, and teams in non-profit, private, and government sectors. In addition to his coaching credentials as an ICF Master Certified Coach (MCC), he holds a master's degree in Leadership and Organizational Development, a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, and is a certified Prosci change management practitioner. David currently works as a Senior Organizational Development Consultant and Coach for Stanford Medical Children's Hospital. Learn more about David by visiting his website at
Marion Franklin, guest Mentor Coach for Micro Coaching Labs:
Click here to listen to a Mentoring snippet and to download 10 Key Coaching points that arose in a 90 minute call.
I wish to acknowledge you, Marion, for being a superb coach with a stellar intuitive coaching style. In all four of yesterday's coaching sessions you immediately zoomed in on the client's real topic and showed great self–management skills. What a great learning experience yesterday's session was for me!"
Marie Tapper, Co–Active Coach and Published Researcher, SunWindWater Blog
I wanted something different, something more. I found that in your education and mentoring.
You lifted what I had already learned to the level I was seeking. Your hard work, intelligence, strengths, compassion, and no bullsh*t approach to coaching have been a gift to me.Can only imagine this is true for so many others.
Kate Johnson, ACC, CPCC
If you want to get on the fast track to being a great coach, then learning from Marion is your best bet! She can teach you what you need to know in a fraction of the time it would take you elsewhere. I've been a coach for 13 years, and I had the pleasure of being in one of her groups to renew my credentials. I was amazed at how simple yet effective her methods are. Without a doubt, Marion knows her stuff!"
Kellie deRuyter, PCC, Business Coach for Coaches & Experts Kellie
'Now, what do I say?' – This is one of the most common questions I hear newer coaches asking when they feel unsure in the coaching conversation. Join this group call and discover easy solutions so this and many other concerns no longer exist. Even if you have taken some coach training, this group will offer tremendous value towards your becoming more confident.
- The aim of the ongoing mentor coaching group is to develop both competence and confidence in your role as a coach. The Practicum will meet for 1 1/2 hours per week with a small group. You can join in at ANY time and stay for as little as 4 weeks or stay as long as you like.
- You will have an opportunity to enhance and practice your coaching skills, theory, and methodology by providing and receiving coaching with each other, as well as discuss situations regarding
current coaching clients whether or not it's a buddy coach, pro bono client, or paying client. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions related to coaching. INCLUDED: Extensive feedback and teaching throughout.
- Find out how to get out of your own way and REALLY listen in a purposeful and useful manner without getting stuck in the story and caught up in the details.
- Participate in an applied coaching experience to deepen your understanding of principles, develop coaching expertise, gain confidence, and feel supported in the development of a coaching practice.
- Learn how to handle difficult coaching situations and think critically about coaching situations. This facilitated small group experience uses participant's clients, case study discussion, and practice coaching with supervision as a basis for deepening the learning and increasing confidence.
I appreciate the ability to talk through the client's presenting scenario, have you guide us in drawing forth limiting beliefs, black and white thinking, and emotions explicit or buried.
I can't always see the assumptions I bring, so it's particularly valuable to have you call them out. I am learning to think more critically about where a question takes a client and how it might land.
I particularly like that you are direct and don't sugar coat what you find lacking in our questions! Yet, you have a great sense of humor and a warmth that comes through loud and clear. Thank you for being a champion for clients and for the power of coaching. It's inspiring!
Kimberly Gonsalves, ACC, CPCC
You are an incredibly skillful mentor coach and I am counting the minutes until our next mentor call.
What I really enjoy about your style is that you are real, and funny and genuine in addition to being a superb, caring, and highly capable master coach empowering the coaches under your wing!
Anja Sassenberg-DeGeorgia, Life Coach
The coaching I received from Marion and the participating coaches on the mentor coaching calls has produced amazing results in my personal and professional life. I learned so much on the mentor calls - whether I was coaching, receiving coaching, or observing coaching and giving feedback. It is a true privilege to witness Marion’s masterful coaching style first-hand and reap the benefits.
Participating in Marion's mentor coaching groups prepared me for the ICF credentialing process. I recently passed the ACC credential exam with wonderful feedback from ICF. Most of the positive comments were about coaching methods I learned directly from Marion. Thanks Marion!!
Luevenia Wallace Sterling, JD, ACC, Director of Professional Development – Miami, FL
Listen to an excerpt from Marion at the end of a Mentor Practicum providing feedback on the coaching while also teaching important points – especially leverage points and true direct communication.
Click under the bar to download the segment. (approx. 10 minutes)
Marion's Mentor Program is one of kind in its tangible and real value. Marion takes your coaching skill to a new and revolutionary level utilizing her natural inquisitiveness and her authenticity.
Marion revolutionized my world and was the muse behind the Ready for Happiness Group and the mind shift that had to occur in me to believe owning and building my own business was possible. The longer I stay in this industry, the more I realize how honest and wise you are. Marion will give you the honest truth regardless of what it may cost her personally. She is above reproach in the integrity category, and I highly recommend taking any and all feedback she may have to offer. Kathy Brandon, – Ready for Happiness Group
Although I have experienced the power of coaching from a master coach before, today's call stands out for two main reasons:
Multiple shifts -- Usually, I recall one big shift from a powerful session. Your coaching was like the big waves kept coming with multiple shifts. Without doubt, your coaching had a positive and profound impact on me!
Coach Mentoring Perspective -- I think this is also a first for me to truly appreciate the skills you used while coaching me. I think the saying, "to be a good Coach, you need to experience the power of coaching" means more to me after today. The fact that we debriefed and discussed the long moments of silent presence, the parallel observations, the powerful questions and more, allowed me to personally see and feel how effective those techniques can be.
When I observed master coaching sessions in the past, I was awed by the process and outcome, but I don't think I fully comprehended the mechanics the way I do now. Today, I felt I also grew as a Coach (internalizing the new learnings) with this experience. Again, thank you.
Mae-Ling Tien, Life Coach
Marion, I want to tell you, again, how much I enjoyed and grew from these sessions. The way you've evolved the format is amazing!
Being able as coaches to take time to ask 'why' or 'what about' in addition to practicing and observing the coaching is so helpful. I look forward to returning soon.
Janet Bonnin, ACC, Fine-Tuned
I just want to say that I am SO THRILLED to be able to re–join this program! I view this program you offer as the coaching version of what Toastmasters provides for speaking.... Practice and invaluable feedback.
Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA–CPT, Business coach, author, speaker – MEG–
Marion, thank you for including me as a newcomer, for the opportunity to coach, and for your comments. I am still processing everything.
I appreciate the gracious way you handled everything. You included everyone's comments, did not react, and you remained neutral about everything that was said. I liked your upbeat tone and the educational focus.
My favorite part was the way you checked in with what people were thinking. It is very intriguing to observe the clarity this brought out. What a great group of coaches. We are all blessed! Jessie Hipolit, PCC –
You will practice how to help clients:
- Discover hidden ideas that actually prevent them from reaching their goals, and in turn, prevents them from growth and effectiveness.
- Explore new ways of how to view client's situations so that they can
have a different experience.
- Penetrate some of the protective layers of defenses that
hide some of their greatness.
- Explore the realm of possibility and find their own truth so that they can achieve
their dreams and aspirations.
Mentor Session Snapshot: Listen to an excerpt of a coaching conversation followed by individual feedback from participants (10 minutes total)
or download as MP3
What Satisfied Clients say about Marion
I come away after each group call with a new technique, approach or an idea. The class is dynamite and is of tremendous value. L.B.
I appreciate all your wisdom, guidance, concern, and patience. Your format is great in that we get training and learning through experience. You make everything look so easy too, and there is nothing like learning from a master. J.Q.
Marion is a unique blend of coach/teacher and brings enormous value and experience to this call. An added value is the wonderful coaches she attracts to be part of this group. When I started I wanted to have a solid handle on the certified coach proficiencies. Not only did I come away with this solid foundation, I also gained tremendous confidence in my coaching skills. This would be a wonderful group at any price!
Beth Lyons –
Thanks to Marion's smart way of structuring each call to provide practice and supportive feedback, I've been able, in a relatively short time, to expand my range as a coach and to coach more confidently and intuitively. Marion keeps the focus on our coaching and her incisive comments have sharpened my coaching. S.W.
Marion helped us all feel at ease and willing to share our ideas with her easy, graceful way of eliciting comments. I especially loved the 'sidebars' she convened, when she stopped the practice coaching briefly and asked for comments from the observers–but unlike in court, the 'client' heard all of the comments as well and could respond to those that resonated. Marion also wove in many coaching tips and strategies into the session. It was a pleasure to hear good coaching in action.
Don Morris –
So, if you're looking for more confidence and support around your coaching,
this course will meet your expectations (and satisfy certification requirements for supervision and/or credit towards ACC, PCC, MCC certification.
Be prepared to learn more about handling various client situations,
practice coaching in a safe environment, and be prepared to have fun!
*For more MENTOR/SUPERVISION options (group, individual, or certification preparation) – Master Mentor Coach
The Practicum will meet for 90 mins. Wednesdays at 1PM (ET) OR 8PM (ET) as a weekly mentor coaching group. Reserve NOW for a spot! Join for one month at a time (6 ICF CCEU's for every 4 sessions). Limited to 10 participants for individualized attention. (NOTE: Long waiting list)
Before making a payment, please check with me if there is an open spot. (NOTE: Long waiting list)
Groups start the first Wednesday of each month.
Regular Cost: $175 per month
THREE MONTH Package: $525 500 (save $25)
SIX MONTH Package: $1050 $1000 (save $50)
Another satisfied client...
If you are looking to:
- make your coaching sessions more efficient
- become a more effective coach
- get CCEUs toward ICsF recertification
- hone your coac0hing skills
I recommend, Marion Franklin and the Life Coaching Group's Mentor Coaching Call!
In my business, it is critical for me to continue to keep my skills sharp. The Mentor Coaching Call has improved the quality of my questions, with a little secret we learned to word a question in the most powerful way.
The group of coaches range in experience from brand new through seasoned professionals. I gain new questioning techniques by listening to other participants coach, plus have the opportunity to have my own coaching evaluated by the group and Marion.
It is amazing in the coaching profession to have a resource throughout your career that:
- will evaluate your job performance
- allow you the space to try new things
- give you tools to become a better coach
Every call I learn something new! Thanks Marion.
Lynn Hidy, PCC
Individual Mentor Coaching is available for coaches who want to gain more confidence and build a coaching practice. Contact Marion –
4–Week Teleclass
23 Practical Solutions and the 'Inside Scoop' on
How to Start Coaching with Confidence
Just starting out! Need more confidence! Read the testimonials from brand new coaches who have taken this content–rich, insightful 4–session class and create pages of notes that will be immediately useful and become your easy–to–use 'reference manual.' Learn some of the 'secrets' to being successful at establishing rapport, handling difficult situations, how to empower the client,
what type of assignments to give (and how much), learn that different clients have very different needs, learn the skill of artful, how to handle client data, etc. If you want clarity and practical, useful tips, techniques, scenarios, examples, AND confidence, then this extremely PRACTICAL program will meet your needs.
What Fellow coaches say about "23 Practical Solutions and the 'Inside Scoop' on How to Start Coaching with Confidence
If you're not feeling confident, afraid to ask for (more) money, or aren't prepared to handle some 'unexpected' situations, then this program is for you!
"I can't imagine a more valuable class for a beginning coach to take. 23 Practical Solutions covered not only practice management tips but also provided valuable instruction on how to deal with specific coaching situations. I highly recommend this class for anyone that is serious about accelerating their practice growth." Kathleen Cotton, Certified Financial Planner and Lifestyle Transition Coach.
"For me, knowing what to expect and how to deal with it in advance relieved a big worry and was immediately useful with my coaching. A fun and truly helpful learning experience from a teacher who knows how we learn. Marion models what she teaches." Steve W.
"I know that for me just starting out, confidence is something I can't get enough of and something that I really came away with from your class. You are sharing from your own personal experiences…that's the 'inside scoop' part, and everything is extremely practical and applicable to anyone getting started." Harriet D.
"If you've learned skills and/or theory, but still don't quite know how to get started, this 'nuts and bolts' course is invaluable. An excellent use of my time and money." Julie White, Speaker and Trainer and contributing author, A Woman's Way to Success in Business