Marion Franklin, Coach Trainer

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New Book Now Available!

What Would a Wise Person Do?

What Would a Wise Person Do?
is a collection of writings
that will help YOU tap into
YOUR inner "wise person"
to find the pearls of wisdom within.


Individual Coaching

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Marion Franklin - Master Certified Coach
Coaching with Marion

Afraid to say no?
Let's talk.

  • Say no and be okay with it
  • Put yourself first without guilt
  • Be appreciated for you
  • Free consultation
Marion Franklin, Master Coach

The biggest benefit of working with Marion is that she addresses 'The Big Picture.'

Marion helped me see, and take responsibility, for my role in ALL relationships in my life. She helped me see the whole and connect the big, important dots that allow a happy life.

I can honestly say that her insights and encouragement are allowing me to truly LIVE my life, not just 'get by.'

I have gained invaluable life skills and self-confidence in my time working with Marion.
Mary Ward
College Professor

Training with Marion

Masterful coaching secrets
no one tells you

  • ICF Laser Coaching Intensive
  • Gain masterful skills
  • Attain competence
  • Aspiring & Experienced Coaches
Marion Franklin, Master Coach

Having completed over eight ICF accredited training programs, I can confidently assert that the Laser-Focused Coaching Program surpasses them all in terms of transformation, education, and lasting impact.
Overall, joining this program allowed me to step into my greatness, embracing a level of mastery that surpasses boundaries and limitations. It has empowered me to become a force to be reckoned with, a coach who possesses unwavering confidence in the power of transformation.
Matthew Cintron-Quiñones, PCC, Life & Executive Coach

I have completed three ICF approved coach-training programs all of which taught me ABOUT coaching but this is the only one that even approached teaching me HOW TO coach. It provided double the hands-on practice as well as more feedback than the other two combined.
Elizabeth Coons, ACC, Personal Results Coach for Women

Mentoring with Marion

Attain competence
and confidence

  • Weekly Mentor Practicums
  • Master skills with practice
  • Learn Tips and Tricks
  • Obtain or renew certification
Marion Franklin, Master Coach

If you want to get on the fast track to being a great coach, then learning from Marion is your best bet!

She teaches what you need to know in a fraction of the time it would take you elsewhere.


I was amazed at how simple yet effective her methods are. Without a doubt, Marion knows her stuff!
Business and Marketing Coach
Kellie deRuyter, PCC


Life Coaching Group

Marion is one of those few people who truly has a positive impact on other people’s lives. The lasting impression she makes and the values she helps people define for themselves are her legacy. 
Scottie Redstone, Corporate Executive

I want you to know how much I appreciate the vast practical knowledge and skill you have acquired, and for all that you do and give. You are a treasure, a veritable cornucopia... I’m grateful.  Marianne Weidlein, Empowering Vision


Sample Free Stuff

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  • Coaching Priorities (25 options)
  • Quality of Life (100 Checkpoints)
  • Relationship Questions (101 Questions)
  • Steps To No Problems (12 Steps)
  • Why We Do What We Do


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Interview with Marion

Click here to read an Interview with Marion as a Mentor and Life Coach >>

"Things are pretty good in my world, and I still count on the Marion voice in my head when I'm working through various life issues! You are like the gift that keeps on giving in that regard." Former Client: Laura Hoffman, Corporate Executive

